We’re having a BIG Year End Studio Close Out Sale!
Everything has got to go! Out with the same-old to make room for some new-old. We’re looking for forever homes for some older and not so old work. There’s pricing for every budget ranging from $10 - $3700.
All prices are sale price based on local pick-up of work only. SHIPPING IS NOT INCLUDED. Contact if interested in multiple works or need additional information. New sale pieces added daily.
Works for $1000 or more
Forgotten unused space (misplaced through remembering). Card tables, Dad's old TV tray, found bits, desk lamps, electricity. 7' x 6' x 6'
was $7000
Found, kept, letting go (maybe tomorrow). Collected found objects, string, gravity
was $3,000
Unemployed reserves of devotion (a multitude). All the tape from my studio used in a previous project, cut off and kept and cut into pieces to fit into found frames. 3’ x 5’
was 7000
If she’d been a quilter she’d have made a quilt. Found & kept objects. 20” x 40”
was $3,000
3 Kids. Various carpets. 6’ x 4’
was $3,000 – Commissions available
Works for less than $1000
Folded stuffed, found. Fabric, found object. 24" x 8" x 1"
was 800
The house I never lived in, only sometimes. Tin dollhouse, doorbell. 56” x 27”
was $1,000
The approximate now. Lamp, drywall, electricity. 40" x 48" x 10"
was 3000
Whatsoever things. Tempera, wax, pages from books, objects drawn from memory. Each drawing is approximately. 5” x 7”
was 100/ea
Things i’ve found, things i've kept. Thread crocheted around found objects, framed text. 11” x 9” x 3”
was $900
Everyday things outfitted proper just as I remember (jar). Monoprint on Braille paper. 12" x 12"
was 300
Everyday things outfitted proper just as I remember (dresser). Monoprint on Braille paper. 12" x 12"
was 300
Monitor for signs. Found objects, broken lamp bottom, photo left in car and damaged. 21" x 10" x 1"
was $1,700
Fossilize. Dictionary pages fused in found glass & mirrors. 3"x 3"
was 50/ea
There are many kinds, some with hooks, some without.
My House (my parents never let us have a dog because we didn’t have a fence). Popsicle sticks. 48” x 21” x 8”
was $3700
Found, kept, keeping. Collected jars, string, gravity. 30" x 44" x 20"
$3,000 – Commissions available
The inevitability of love. Found stools, objects bound to found board with string, found microwave, light, frame, extension cord. 8’ x 5’ x 2’
was $4,000
Her memory of events doesn't attend with the world around her (wattle). Fluorescent bulbs, wool. 24" x 24" x 8" approx
was $2,000
Tonta and her best friend. Various carpets. 5’ x 4’
was $3,000 – Commissions available
Mrs. Hardaway’s 4th Grade. Various carpets. 9’ x 6’
was $7,000 – Commissions available
Folded stuffed (again). Fabric. 16”x20”
was 800
The staircase from the house I never lived in, only sometimes. Tin dollhouse stairs, dollhouse painting, matching wallpaper print. 60" x 60"
was $1,000
Rememory (all the places I've lived). Carved salt block, processed by cows. 10" x 10" x 12"
was 600/ea
Any language (merde). Found yarn, crocheted. 19" x 2.5" x 2”
was $500
Any language (scheisse). Found yarn, crocheted. 22" x 3" x 2”
was $500
je suis içi. Found yarn, crocheted. 20" x 3.5" x 2”
was $400
mais oui. Found yarn, crocheted. 20" x 1.5" x 2”
was $400
quelquechose. Found yarn, crocheted. 19" x 4" x 2”
was $400
Everyday things outfitted proper just as I remember (sink). Monoprint on Braille paper. 12" x 12"
was 300
Everyday things outfitted proper just as I remember (doorbell). Monoprint on Braille paper. 12" x 12"
was 300
Common pack. Book pages, found object. 4" x 6"
was 500
Wisdom forced upon us. Found objects, wood, all the cushions from my studio. Approx. 6’ x 14’ x 3’
was $4000
What's left must be [the] truth. Years of tangled kept yarn finally untangled, found object, upholstery tacks. Approx: 4’ x 6’ x 2
was $3300
Corner wood. Kept wood scraps, balanced & stacked. 60" x 36" x 36"
was $5,500
Drawing Gravity. Backs of old photographs, plan drawing of all the dressers from a single point in space. Approx. 80” x 90”
was 4000
Family circa 1976. Various carpets. 9’ x 6’
was $4,000 – Commissions available
For to grow (up in) and for to change (about). Hydrocal, wire, rust. 12”x18”
was $600
Gathering fragments of time lest they perish. Lamp, drywall. Approx: 27” x 18” x 6”
was $1,300
House grass carpet plate. Found ceramic plate with carpet decal, fake grass, salt block. Plate is 9" and the salt block is 4" x 7" x 2"
was $700
$100/ea or 20 for $1000
Congratulations, Happy Birthday and other mementos of another day. Guache on used greeting card envelopes. Installation size varies
was $150/ea
Found, Kept. Kept objects, found wood, jars. 6' x 6" x 6"
was 1000
Everyday things outfitted proper just as I remember (window). Monoprint on Braille paper. 12" x 12"
was 300
Everyday things outfitted proper just as I remember (chair). Monoprint on Braille paper. 12" x 12"
was 300